
The Memorial Hall's facilities and location make it an ideal venue for wedding receptions. The Main Hall can be hired for set-up from 7.00pm on Friday to Sunday morning clear-up finishing at 11.00am. For this price you get full use of the Main Hall which will take 100 seated or up to 200 for receptions, a bar for which you can hire the services of a bartender, and a spacious kitchen.


The Clifford Suite can be used to provide an additional space for your wedding reception. It can be used to provide a separate room for the younger children, or as a second room for the main party. The room can take 50 seated or up to 87 for a reception. It also has a small kitchen.


On a summer's day, the field provides additional space for your wedding reception to overflow into, giving the chance to enjoy a summer afternoon and evening (weather permitting). Also on most Saturdays during the summer, there is the opportunity to cheer on the village cricket team.